How To Enhance Your Design Studio’s Brand

There are certain businesses that, given the nature of the marketplace they are in, rely more on their branding than on others, and with furniture design studios being in a sector where image plays a huge role, branding is certain to be important. There are many ways to enhance your branding, and if you follow the advice of professional web designers, digital marketing is one of the most effective.

Digital marketing is often associated more with online sales and promoting businesses online, and whilst they certainly are important goals of a digital marketing campaign they are not the only ones. In fact, if you consider that your brand influences potential clients offline, you will recognize that digital marketing can enhance your offline activities immensely. Here are 5 actions that will ensure your digital marketing promotes and augments your brand.

Be Proactive In Seeking Positive Reviews And Testimonials

The internet has changed the ways people buy products enormously. Now, potential customers carry out far more research online than ever before with regard to what they are buying, and crucially, on any company they are considering buying from. That means they look for reviews so one of your priorities to boost your brand and reputation must be to ask your satisfied clientele to post reviews and testimonials on your website and other websites.

What are the best ways to drive traffic to your online store?

So you’ve created your first online store, and you’re pretty happy with it. But there’s only one problem: You’re not getting any visitors, and there’s no way you’re ever going to make any sales without visitors to your store.

Fortunately, there’s a solution to this problem: marketing.

There are various marketing methods with which you can engage an experienced digital marketing agency to drive traffic to your site. The people at have provided a list of the more popular.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most cost-effective ways to drive more traffic to your online store. However, it’s also a little difficult, and it can take some time to see results.

In short, SEO involves optimizing your website so that it ranks well on the search engine results pages (SERPs). For some, this may mean writing a number of high-quality, informative articles that target specific keywords or key phrases. For others, this will involve technical optimization to improve their store’s performance, product page optimization to ensure their products show up on the SERPs, or any of numerous other actions.

A New Idea for Marketers: Learn from Your Development Team

I spent most of last week at HubSpot’s Inbound conference in Boston. It was an inspiring series of speakers, presentations, and sessions with action items that I plan to implement at Kindling over the next few months. I left fired up about our marketing program and the ways to use HubSpot (and yes, I’ve already put the dates for next year’s Inbound conference in my calendar).

Do you remember the enthusiastic telemarketers who called around dinner time in the ‘90s announcing “This is a courtesy call from Company X?” When we were growing up, my brother and I used to call these interruptions “discourtesy calls” and as soon our family got callerID, we stopped answering them. The Do Not Call list limited this form of telemarketing in 2003, and Inbound highlighted that it’s not just telemarketing that’s over – we’re moving away from all unsolicited “interruption” marketing. Today’s consumers are accustomed to finding the information they want, when they want it, and Marketers need to use the data we can now collect about our customers to provide them with the right solution for their needs, formatted for the device of their choice.