7 Website Design Features That Are Growing In Popularity

Web design is something that never stands still. Just when you think you might have seen everything there is to see, and have a handle on what is current, along comes another trend, update, or new website design technology that moves everything on once more. We say this not to suggest it is negative. In fact, it is quite the opposite as it means that web design never becomes stayed or boring, which can only be a positive.

Positive as it is that web design is in a constant state of evolution, one problem that does arise is that you can lose track of what is currently popular for designing websites. This is especially so if you work outside the web design bubble and wish to know which current web design trends you should be discussing with the designers creating a new website for your business. To help you, we have outlined 7 web design features currently popular and likely to remain so for some time.

#1: Smaller Logos

Whilst having effective branding on your website will never cease to be important, there has been a move away from ‘in your face’ branding. In other words, huge logos dominating the home and other pages are out. Instead, smaller logo designs that appear more like icons are in, as this frees up much of the prime home page real estate for other, more important design elements.