So you’ve created your first online store, and you’re pretty happy with it. But there’s only one problem: You’re not getting any visitors, and there’s no way you’re ever going to make any sales without visitors to your store.
Fortunately, there’s a solution to this problem: marketing.
You can engage an experienced digital marketing agency to drive traffic to your site through various marketing methods. An experienced digital marketing agency has provided a list of the more popular digital marketing tactics.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most cost-effective ways to drive more traffic to your online store. However, it’s also a little difficult, and it can take some time to see results.
In short, SEO involves optimizing your website so that it ranks well on the search engine results pages (SERPs). For some, this may mean writing a number of high-quality, informative articles that target specific keywords or key phrases. For others, this will involve technical optimization to improve their store’s performance, product page optimization to ensure their products show up on the SERPs, or any of numerous other actions.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing (SMM) comes in two distinctively different forms. The first is paying for ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This is a favourite way to drive traffic to new eCommerce stores. You can target users with relevant interests, in certain demographics, or even according to geographical rules.
The other type of social media marketing is free. It involves creating pages and/or profiles on the major social media platforms and building a strong following. This is usually done through posting valuable content and sharing viral posts that people are likely to react to.
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing (SEM) is slightly more difficult to crack than SMM, and it can also be a lot more expensive if you’re not doing it right. However, it’s still an option worth considering, especially if you have a decent marketing budget that you’re willing to use.
Platforms such as Google Ads offer attractive pay per click (PPC) marketing solutions. With Google Ads, you can create small “sponsored” advertisements that appear at the top and bottom of the search engine results pages. You will only ever pay when someone clicks on one of your ads, which can make them very effective – as long as you’re on top of your audience targeting.
Email Marketing
The thing we want to look at is email marketing, which is generally only used by those with decent-sized contact lists. This involves creating a promotional email that’s designed to drive people to your website and sending it to a number of contacts. These are usually gathered from people who have already visited your store, though, which means that it’s not a great option for those who don’t have any traffic to speak of.
The Bottom Line
There are numerous ways to drive more traffic to your website. The most difficult thing is deciding which ones to use and how to use them to best effect. The options listed above can get quite expensive if you’re not careful. We’d recommend starting with SEO and SMM as you begin to build an online presence, branching out to more email marketing and SEM as your store grows in popularity.