Top 5 Sales Management Software

No business would exist if its products or services were not being purchased by customers or clients. That leads us to the conclusion that the most important function within a business is sales. In some companies, this could be a whole team of sales staff, a single salesperson, or their online activities.

To ensure that their sales processes are as effective as possible, it is recommended that a business utilises sales management software. This provides several benefits including having data relating to sales conversions, the means to forecast sales, and also being able to analyze sales performance.

If you are not using sales management software, or feel that the current sales management software you are currently using is not satisfactory, then here are 5 of the top sales management software currently available.

1: EngageBay

Suitable For: Freelancers, Small to Medium Businesses

This is a platform that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing, customer support and CRM. Some of the specific features include deal management which presents a visual outline of individual deals as they progress. Its customer support features include Live Chat and email tracking.

As for marketing your business, EngageBay allows you to create landing pages and email sequences so that you can implement an email marketing campaign directly from the interface.

A team of up to 15 people can access the software and its simple drag and drop functionality mean that the learning curve is not difficult.