What’s New in Kindling?

What’s New in Kindling

We’re working towards some great new features that will ship later this year, but I wanted to review some of the new capabilities that we’ve added to Kindling in the last few months. These features were a collaborative effort between our Product & Development Teams and our customers. We hope you like them!

Support for Media on Posts
We continue to make additions to Kindling for decision-makers to make it easier for users of Kindling to share media of any type in the application. With this week’s release you can now attach any media to Posts and multiple files to a Post, just as you’ve been able to do for Ideas.

This allows you to share that PDF, add images or take a video of your CIO describing the cost savings from the latest implemented idea.

Configurable Workflow for Categories / Campaigns
Kindling now supports a configurable idea evaluation Workflow by each individual Category or Campaign. This enables decision-makers to customize the relevant States towards a decision, and eliminates the noise from unnecessary steps.

Additionally, you can now choose Moderators directly on the Category or Campaign. We’ve heard from our larger customers that this would allow them to make their Groups reusable, as Moderators tend to vary by Campaign.

Authenticate using Yammer
Kindling supports many authentication methods, and now Yammer users can access Kindling directly using their Yammer user accounts. We continue to lower the barrier to accessing Kindling, and allowing Yammer users to eliminate one more username and password is another step in that direction.

New Notifications Behaviour
We now make it easier to stay involved in the most relevant conversations. Set your notification setting to “Instant” to be notified of only the most important activity in a Category or Campaign. And then Follow those Ideas and Posts that you’re most interested in, or are actively involved in the conversation.

For these Followed Ideas and Posts, you’ll additionally receive all comments as email notifications.

Tagging Improvements
We’ve joined this century and now allow you to add multiple Tags to an Idea or Post separated by commas. Yeah, we know.

Look out for more awesome updates to Tags coming soon.

Kindling Loves Start-ups
Last, but certainly not least, we’re now free for any start-up! We’ve already launched 100 start-ups into the program and are excited to share Kindling with the community.

And as start-ups use and love Kindling, and grow their business, they can easily upgrade to a paid subscription.

Follow us on Twitter to stay informed about new product features as they are released. Thanks!